Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bridge Classes

Bridge classes will resume Friday, Sept. 18 at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center from 10 a.m. to noon.

Harold and Carol Winecoff have been teaching bridge for many years and are very experienced players. These classes are for people who already know how to play rubber or contract bridge but who want to modernize and upgrade their game. The first two weeks are a review of the basics of duplicate bridge with the next five weeks being spent on NT openings and responder’s bidding conventions. They also teach/review defensive moves and play of the hand. For more information call the Winecoffs at 704-857-2770.

For those folks who don’t know how to play bridge at all but would like to learn from the ground up, call Dick Brisbin at 980-234-0373. He has no special place to meet but if contacted he can form a list of interested people and then make arrangements where and when to meet for classes.

Our Friday, Aug. 28 game was once again full of challenging hands. Folks seem to think I stay up late at night to present the worst possible hands, but I can assure all that they are shuffled seven times and dealt. The winners of the game were: First, John and Myrnie McLaughlin; second, Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh; third, Joe O’Brien and Genny Mozolak, and fourth, Patty King and Loyd Hill.

Featured is board # 15 from Friday, Aug. 28   N/S vulnerable     South Dealer


S  A 8 5 4 3 2

H  K 8 5

D  A

C  A K 8


WEST:            EAST

S  K J 7            S  T

H  —                 H  A Q T 9 6 3 2

D  K Q 9 8 3    D  T 6 4 2

C  9 6 5 4 2       C  Q



S  Q 9 6

H  J 7 4

D  J 7 5

C  J T 7 3

Dave and Anna Goff had the best score N/S defeating 5HE* -3. East fell in love with their hand and suffered for it. Ron and Shirley Jeffers had the best E/W score playing 4DE*making.

Sept. 1 Women’s Club game winners: First, Fern Albracht and Ron Jeffers; second, Chuck and Margaret Rimer; third, Shirley Jeffers and Myrnie McLaughlin, and tied for fourth/fifth, Betty Bills and Maggie Canup with Wade Lowder and Georgia Sorensen.

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