Letters to the editor – Thursday (10-8-15)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 8, 2015

Here are two good steps
to improve people’s lives

We need afterschool program and an ex-offenders training program in new West End Mall Complex.

Afterschool programs allow students to participate in academic and extracurricular enrichment activities and to develop new hobbies and skills. Participation in high-quality afterschool programs has proven to improve school attendance, academic achievement, graduation rates and attitudes toward learning. Students attending two and a half hours of afterschool programs each day gain the equivalent of nearly two months of learning time.

Ex-offenders training makes difference in the lives of offenders through a variety of rehabilitation and education programs. We need a wide range of education, drug treatment, vocational, life skills and employment preparation programs to help offenders. We need to help these people once they are released from prison complete either education programs and courses or vocational training in the form of apprenticeships.

This will be a first step in solving some of our problems in Salisbury. Our people are greatest resource.

— Leo Smith


Other weapons kill, too

A student walks onto the campus of a modern American university carrying a round plastic tube about 4 feet long. Attached to each end is a nylon strap, which he is using as a carry handle. Those who see it assume the tube contains an art project or a map.

The student then enters the hallway of a building containing classrooms, where classes are now in progress. The student pulls a sword from the tube and enters one of the classrooms. He then begins to stab and chop the bodies of the surprised students, while those present scream in horror. The dead and mangled bodies of innocent victims fall to the floor.

When others in the building realize what is happening, they call for help. Ten minutes later, officers from the local police department arrive on the scene armed with pistols and rifles.

The officers kill the perpetrator, who has refused to surrender his weapon.

The next day the president appears on television revealing new legislation to control the purchase of all blades over 12 inches long. He blames the National Sword Crafters Guild for the carnage. He talks about the lives lost, because of this one sword.

The same people who have done everything in their power to remove God from our schools and who have taught students they evolved from the primordial soup, do their best to point a finger of blame at others, but fail to see the four fingers pointing back at themselves.

— Joe D. Teeter

Gold Hill

A brand for Rowan

Being rebranded as “The county with absolutely NO speed bumps” would be great!

— Elaine C. Howle (Owl)
