Local bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 1, 2015

Opening Leads

Earlier in the year I wrote about opening leads. Most of this was good advice with one exception.

Against a suit contract it is still correct to 1. Lead the top card in partner’s bid suit, 2. Lead the top of nothing, 3. Lead the top of a 3 card sequence, and 4th is the change.

According to Dorothy Truscott, if you have a short suit and you have 4-5 trumps, don’t lead your shortness. Lead your own long and best suit. You hope that declarer will be forced to ruff and toward the end of the play of the hand you will have more trump than declarer and be able to take several late tricks. Of course all of your leads should take into consideration the way the bidding went. If you have no clues to make a decision, lead into strength. At least you will not finesse your partner.

Our Friday, Oct. 23 game was well attended.  Winners: N/S First, Fern Albracht and Christy Cline; second, Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh; third, Ron and Shirley Jeffers. Winning E/W First, Wade Lowder and Georgia Sorensen; second, Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin; third, BettyBonner Steele and Patsy Reynolds.

Featured is board # 16. Seems like the opening lead was the difference. What would you lead?     E/W vulnerable, West Dealer


S  9 8 6

H  K 4 3

D  T

C  A Q 7 6 4 3

WEST:                EAST:

S  3 2                   S  J 7 5 4

H  A Q 6             H  J 7

D  Q J 8 6           D K 9 5 4 2

C  K T 9 2           C  8 5


S  A K Q T

H  T 9 8 5 2

D  A 7 3

C  J

Ron and Shirley Jeffers had the best N/S score bidding 4HS making. The best E/W score was made by Dick Brisbin and Pat Featherston who defeated opponent’s 4HS 2 tricks

The Women’s Club Tuesday, Oct. 27 game winners were: First, Judy Hurder and Nancy Brandt; tied for second/third, Georgia Sorensen and Wade Lowder with Pat Macon and John McLaughlin

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