Christmas Happiness: Local woman pays it forward with donation
Published 11:48 pm Monday, December 7, 2015
- Illustration by Mark Brincefield
By Shavonne Walker
This year Frances Trexler found herself on the receiving end of some kind family members who helped her after surviving a heart attack. Trexler has always been a believer in the notion to “pay it forward” by showing others kindness.
“I have been very fortunate to have been on the giving end most of my life. Many times people would ask how they could pay me back and I always told them to “pay it forward,” she said.
Her family was there every minute taking care of her, Trexler said, until she was able to take care of herself.
She made a contribution to the Christmas Happiness Fund this week in honor of Sonja, Ronnie, Mary Anne, Susan, and their families and as her “pay it forward” Trexler donated to help someone else.
She also gave in memory of Col. Tommy Trexler as well as in honor or Debbie Suggs, “for all the good food she serves to our many veterans and others at no cost.”
This week in 1957 Food Town No. 1 was opened in the Ketner Center in Salisbury making it 58 years ago, said Food Lion co-founder Ralph Ketner. Ketner made a contribution that would provide 30 gifts to about 58 children.
Ketner said he was giving this donation in memory of his two co-founders — his brother, Brown Ketner and his friend Wilson “Bill” Smith — the 122 original investors, the thousands of Food Town/Food Lion employees and the millions of Food Town/Food Lion customers.
The Salisbury Post collects the contributions while the Salvation Army of Rowan County distributes the donations to the Christmas Happiness Fund. Families who qualify receive a voucher for each eligible child. Contributions will be collected through Christmas Day.
Donations may be delivered to the Salisbury Post, 131 W. Innes St., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Donations can also be mailed to the Salisbury Post Christmas Happiness Fund, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, N.C. 28145-4639. Make checks payable to the Christmas Happiness Fund and indicate how you want your donation listed.
Monday’s donations:
In honor of my great grandchildren by KLC $50
Lane and Claudette Brown $100
In honor Lady, Juanita, Lucky, Dugan and Lu Lu by Nan Zimmerman $25
Merry Christmas from Steve and Ardith Hinson $50
In memory of Carl M. Benfield, Glenn R. Hartzoge, Mart B. Snowberger and Louise B. Hartzoge by Tim and Marsha $75
Fowler Agency $100
In honor of Rick McCombs, the best godparent ever by Julie Kenny $25
In memory of my parents, John and Dot Rebhan, who taught me the true meaning of Christmas by Dottie Rebhan $25
In memory of Jack Hodges by Bill and Belinda Reid $25
In memory of Ida Mae and Whitney Kluttz by Norman and Sarah Holshouser $100
Jerry Swink $35
In memory of Todd Kimball on his 48th Birthday by Mom and Dad $48
In memory of Glenn and Maggie Holshouser and Jack and Willie Alexander by James, Sylvia and Pam Alexander $25
Spencer Moose Lodge 2019 $100
In memory of Eva Sloop by Crawford Sloop $100
In honor of Sonja, Ronnie, Mary Anne, Susan and their families as my “pay it forward” by Frances Trexler $100
In memory of Col. Tommy Trexler by Frances Trexler $100
In honor of Debbie Suggs for all the good food she serves to our many veterans and others at no cost by Frances Trexler $50
Anonymous $25
In memory of my parents, Lloyd and Nellie Safrit by Calvin Safrit $100
In memory of Elizabeth Wilson, Jim, Clyde, Marvin, Glenda and Mary by The Kirkman Family $35
In memory of all the victims who fell by vicious gunmen by Fleming and Yoko Otey, Chaplain Volunteer $100
In memory of George Brown by Naomi C. Brown $100
In memory of Beryl and Richard by Anne and Jim $100
In honor of the J. P. Helms Family by Anne and Jim $25
In loving memory of parents we have lost, our beloved “spuds”, other family and dear friends, we love and miss so very much by Karen and James Wilkerson $25
J.F. Hurley Foundation $1,000
In memory of Peggy Gibson Earle by Jerry Earle and Dean Earle $125
In memory of Dewey and Julia Miller by Judy Miller $20
Stepping Out Dance Club $25
Lynn and Arthur Bolick $300
Circle #7, First United Church of Christ $50
Anonymous $25
Jim and Nina $100
In memory of co-workers at R. W. Norman and other friends, E. E. Lampert, Sr., Ilene Wise, Irene Ritchie, Tripp Lampert, Kathleen Gray, West Spain, Ann Myers, Don Barger, Blanche Lampert, Norman Beaver, Rosemary Spain, Maxine Carlton and Walter Wise by Pat Beaver, “Potica” and “Swicy” $30
In memory of our parents, Albert and Ada Hartley and Harold and Elizabeth Bassinger by Bill and Pat $10
In memory of our brother, Gary Hartley, (our sunshine) by Pat and Shirley $10
In memory of loved ones who have died $50
In memory of Don Evers by Mary Evers $25
In honor and loving memory of my 2 co-founders, my brother, Brown Ketner and my friend, Wilson “Bill” Smith, the 122 original investors, the thousands of Food Town. Food Lion employees and to the millions of Food Town/Food Lion customers by Ralph Ketner $1,740
Total $5,153
Running Total $16,551