Wineka column: Here’s why I’ve been away

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SALISBURY — I should mention I’ve been missing from the newsroom for about a month-and-a-half, but now I’m back. Here’s the general reaction from my colleagues at work: “What, you were gone?”

My wife, who found herself in the role of nursemaid during my extended stay at home, has shown a bit more emotion connected to my return. She has emptied our savings account and taken a few friends to Las Vegas to celebrate my being out of the house.

I had a right hip replacement back in November. The surgery and my recovery only confirmed what a wimp I am — and how bad daytime television can be. I am not a good patient. The many nurses and therapists who have dealt with me will attest to that.

Meanwhile, at home, I milked this hip thing for all it was worth. Just ask my wife, once she returns from Vegas.

With this kind of surgery — this was my first stay in a hospital — you lose all semblance of modesty. Be careful if you see me on the street and ask how my new hip is doing. I’m likely to drop my trousers to show you the incision, because it seemed I was doing that all the time over the first couple of weeks.

During my three days in the hospital, I required a catheter — again, my first. It’s an experience I don’t recommend for anyone, though it did provide instant relief for my condition.

I have spent much of my recovery time learning to walk again and neglecting the exercises I’m supposed to be doing every day. I’m told I stand more upright, maybe one or two inches taller with the new hip.

I think that’s people just trying to say something nice and keep me from dropping my pants.

You might see me with a cane, but I’m only carrying it to  give myself a little more confidence on steps or to raise myself out of low chairs. Who knew toilet seats were so low?

Otherwise, I like to carry the cane around as part of the overall milking effort.

I’ve read three books and watched whole seasons of television shows while recuperating. I purposely stayed away from any kind of writing — I blamed the drugs — and it quickly demonstrated how the newspaper comes out every day whether I contribute anything or not.

That’s a good, humbling lesson and something my wife has been trying to tell me for 30-plus years.

If I could be serious for a moment, I appreciate all the care I have received from my surgeon and his staff, the nurses at Novant Rowan, my at-home nurses and therapists from Gentiva and my Vegas-bound wife. (She’s not really going there, though I haven’t checked in with her lately.)

Friends and church members have sent me kind notes and cards, books to read and comfort foods to savor. I treasured them all. Back here at work, I have yet to sift through screens of emails and the many weeks of phone messages — the red blinking light on my phone is still to0 ominous to confront.

Bear with me, please.

But I must say 2016 looks as though it’s going to be a significant year for me. I’m taller. The Carolina Panthers will win the Super Bowl. My youngest son is getting married, and my oldest son and his wife are expecting — the first grandchild for me and Vegas wife.

It’s not unlike traipsing behind my walker only a few weeks ago.

I’m on a roll.

Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263, or