Lynna Clark: Undo! Undo! Undo!

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 24, 2016

I called my daddy to tell him I was fine. No need to worry. But when I heard his voice on the recording and began to leave a voicemail, I got all danged emotional and started blubbering. Then I couldn’t fix it. Instead of reassuring him that I was okay like I meant to, I did just the opposite.

Later when I talked to him I apologized for leaving such a terrible message. “I’m sorry daddy. I got started crying and couldn’t undo the recording and start all over.”

His kind words comforted.

“That’s okay honey. There’ve been plenty of things I’ve said over the years I wish I could take back.”

Talk about mellowing with time… holy cow. Now here we go again with the tears as I think of how much I love this man.

If I ever had the choice, an “Undo Button” would be a lot more beneficial than an “Easy Button.” I wouldn’t even mind the beeping sound of backing up the truck.


What I MEANT to say was… nothing… absolutely nothing.

Even better would be a warning light which would indicate the wise choice for certain situations. Of course it would also need a little bell to get my attention.

DING DING DING… no words are currently needed at this time. Hold lips tightly together to restrain verbiage. Your friend just needs to be heard. He is not really interested in your opinion even though you wish to share your vast and extensive wisdom.

Perhaps a comfort indicator might work as well. Double parenthesis would appear outside the shoulders of the one in need of a hug… like this (( )).

Or even better a big hand could float over the rear end of the person in need of correction.

“Whack soundly in this general vicinity!” it would indicate.

I wonder why God didn’t think of that.

Oh wait… Beep Beep Beep…


Lynna Clark lives and writes in Salisbury.

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