Letters to the editor — Wednesday (4-13-2016)
Published 12:02 am Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Elementary school built later than listed
Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education, Why do you have Mt. Ulla Elementary Schoo included in your graph, Rowan-Salisbury Elementary Schools 2015-16, on page 1D of the Salisbury Post of April 10, as being built in 1927?
That school was torn down and the new one built in 1994. Who gave you the wrong information? The school board and Post writer, Rebecca Rider, should have checked all of statistics in that graph to be correct or incorrect.
Of course, Mt. Ulla School was built too small. As a result, mobile units were moved in early in its operation.
“We need the money”, Wagner said .
How can you rationalize that it will save money to close down schools and replace them with bigger, more expensive buildings and have to transport students more miles.
I sincerely hope you, the school board, will not consider this proposal as being reasonable and reject it.
— Lana McCoy
A clarification on consolodation proposal
I want to first apologize for miscommunication regarding the recent consolidation proposal.
I mistakingly implied that we would be voting to approve the consolidation proposal at the April business meeting of the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education. This is not the case. Our board will not vote on this proposal this month.
Rather, we will begin a process of analysis. There are many questions to be asked before any plan can be voted on.
I would urge the community to provide feedback regarding not only consolidation, but other options as well.
We truly believe, based on factual revenue numbers, that we must do something. In order to provide better facilities and instruction for students, we must increase revenue, while reducing overhead.
I certainly understand the concern within the community. I would ask that regardless of your feelings, you ask pointed questions about this process. We can go nowhere if we are afraid of engaging in discussion, and even debate.
This process is what will allow us to reach a mutually beneficial solution. We can’t do this alone.
Thank you for supporting our system!
— Josh Wagner
Josh Wagner is the chairman of the Rowan-Salisbury School Board