Letters to the editor – Tuesday – 6-7-16

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bring back graduates’ individual photos

This writer and the next one are reacting to the graduation section that was in Friday’s Post.

I was totally disappointed to see the group pictures of this year’s senior students of our area high schools. I have worked in the school system for over 20 years, and I enjoy seeing former Cleveland students all grown up and ready to conquer the world.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell who is who in those group shots. I hope others voice their opinions on this. Some kids never get to have their pictures in the newspaper and this is a great accomplishment for them.

I still have the newspaper from when my daughter graduated and if I look hard enough, mine is around here as well. Please go back to individual pictures.

— Cyndi Treadaway


Impossible to recognize

I always look forward to the graduation issue of the Post. In years past, I have looked at each graduate’s picture and recognized many from years ago in the classroom or from our church, or other places. We are able to encourage them with a card, a call, or a gift. This is their moment of fame.

Your new format of a group picture shot from far away (I know it has to be far away to get all of them in the picture) makes it impossible to recognize the graduates. Please go back to the individual pictures of each graduate.

— Louise Ellis


Editor: Handling more than 1,600 individual photos became more than our staff could do. We agree; you could not tell who was who in the group photos. We will continue to explore other options.

Both are embarrassing

Trump’s railing against Hillary over Benghazi and her misuse of her server that contained classified information are indeed grounds for jailing her.

On the other hand, the Trump University scandal that has his ex-employees saying the whole thing was a rip-off along with his rabble-rousing rhetoric should be grounds for his becoming Hillary’s cell mate. They’re both an embarrassment to this nation!  What to do, what to do??

— Herb Stark
