Ada Fisher: Brexit, Trump and the global revolution

Published 6:02 pm Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wilson Carey from Caswell County, a black Republican who attended the state’s Second Constitutional Convention in 1868, was noted for stating his opposition to attracting immigrants over blacks for labor in the state. That debate rages on, and with the dislocation and failed attempts to assimilate large blocks of Middle Eastern immigrants into “existing European culture,” a global revolution is at hand.

Is there a right to immigrate that allows one the right to do one’s own thing even if such is diametrically opposed to the traditions and laws that underpin the adoptive society?

Donald Trump hit a bigger issue than the media and many of the establishment power barons want to acknowledge. It is not just about “Making America Great Again,” but re-examining power and wealth in a more equitable fashion to insure access to equal opportunities for citizens who want to exert their individual responsibility in fulfilling their dreams.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are two sides of the same coin that sees the government as judge and jurors to promote an agenda of socialism without regard to state or individual wishes under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Trump has operated within the framework of the law to use bankruptcy and other loopholes to his advantage. The Clintons have corrupted and misused the Clinton Foundation in soliciting money from nations and corporations with whom the government does business, gaining influence that primarily benefits them, not necessarily the nation.

An audit must be done of who does what, when, where and why, with public disclosure of operatives with ties to government who participate in outside societies like the Bilderberg Group, which is comprised of European and North American political elites of government. The Ivy Leaguers from such universities as Harvard and Yale also have outsized influence, as witnessed by their over-representation on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Those operating in the stratosphere above governments to determine who gets power and who keeps it in the global economy can be more dangerous than the furor over the redistribution of demographics through unabsorbed immigration. Yet the two are connected in ways that may not be obvious to many.

In Dan Brown’s “Inferno,” he demonstrates how control of populations, their movement and reproduction is a way to maintain and keep global control in the hands of a select few. Saddam Hussein recognized this in stating that Islam could conquer the world without firing a shot simply because they have more than 2.3 children in their family groupings.

When corporations allow executives to make 500 times that given employees or take one-third or more of the profits without question, something is amiss. The checks and balances aren’t there as they should be in government.

The Clinton Foundation’s mixing of government influence and ability to be involved in deals — such as that giving part of this nation’s uranium to Russia, timed with a donation to the foundation — should raise more than an eyebrow. The legality must be investigated.

Cargill and Monsanto seemingly operate with impunity over something as simple as plant seeds that control emerging world populations; most do not consider or appreciate the  ramifications regarding hunger. If not put in check, the United Nations can operate autonomously, depending on world circumstances, thereby overstepping national autonomy through its world courts and oversight of programs that might best be left to sovereign nations.

There is a surging rebellion among more developed nations to take back their stuff and finally put their citizens first. Witness the vote in Britain to disconnect from the European Union and the earlier consideration by Ireland of the same. In part this reflects the eroding economy from non-reciprocal trade deals that have disadvantaged homegrown workers.

Advancing technology has made us end-users of cheap products made abroad, not producers of products upon which we are becoming increasingly dependent. The commitment of our young to an industrious future rather than an entitlement-driven economy will be telling of our direction into the distant horizons.

Without the independence of sovereign nations, our futures may be dimmed by sameness, not brightened by our diversity.

Dr. Ada M. Fisher is the N.C. Republican National Committeewoman. Contact her at P. O. Box 777; Salisbury, NC 28145 or