Authors with eyes on history to sign books
Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 30, 2016
C. Michael Briggs will sign his well-researched book, “The Longrifle Makers of the Rowan School,” on Friday, Nov. 4 at South Main Book Co., 110 S. Main St.
Briggs spent years researching the history of the specific style of the Rowan County longrifle.
The spiral-bound book includes 97 pages of color photos and documentation of Briggs research.
Briggs delves into the art and architecture behind the longrifles, lists the 30 known gunsmiths who made them, plots out where the gunsmiths lived in Rowan County, tries to identify known Rowan School longrifles still in existence and details the nine “schools” making 18th and 19th century longrifles in the Piedmont and western parts of North Carolina.
Mike Lassiter, author of the book “Our Vanishing Americana,” will be at South Main Book Co. on Friday, Nov. 4.
Lassiter photographed vanishing historic buildings, signs and more across North Carolina for his book, which was first published in 2007. He also made a 2009 documentary with Scott Galloway of his journey to take the photos.
The book includes essays by Lee Grant.
Lassiter practices law in Statesville and lives in Davidson.
The book is a nice way to remember some of the state’s history and promote conservation.
The two authors will sign their books from 6-8 p.m.