South Rowan Future Farmers of America attends national convention
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 3, 2016
By Abbey Zentmeyer
South Rowan FFA Reporter
LANDIS — On Oct. 17-22, eight South Rowan Future Farmers of America (FFA) members traveled to Indianapolis, Ind., where the 89th National FFA Convention was held.
Before arriving in Indianapolis, South Rowan FFA members traveled to Walnut Creek, Ohio, where they were able to stay overnight in an Amish house. The members were able to experience the Amish way of life during their stay. The visit also included tours of the farm at Walnut Creek, an Amish school, cattle auction, produce auction, horse drawn equipment manufacturer, a blacksmith’s shop, a leather shop and a cheese maker.
Once arriving in Indianapolis, FFA members attended sessions hosted by the 2015-16 National FFA officers and gathered college and agribusiness information from a huge career expo.
During the convention, South Rowan FFA member Brianna Haynes placed 12th in the division II plant science agriscience fair project, earning a silver ranking. Additionally, the South Rowan FFA chapter was recognized with a two-star ranking for the National Chapter Award program and South Rowan FFA alumni earned a silver ranking in the Outstanding FFA Alumni Affiliate Award. Over 60,000 FFA members from across the country attended this convention.
South Rowan FFA members attending included Kayleigh Cook, Nolan Eudy, Brianna Haynes, Cheyenne Hunter, Jackson LaTurno, Allison Williams, Kaitlyn Wood and Abbey Zentmeyer. South Rowan FFA advisors are Laura Allen and David Overcash.