letters to the editor

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Everybody loses with annexation
Looks like the Salisbury City Tyrants will say and do anything to rationalize their theft. Whatever it takes to make them feel good. Poor ol’ Salisbury will now have to defend itself against all those nasty, angry homeowners. They appeal to their tyrant friends for support of their immoral actions.
They have appealed to mayors, managers, administrators and clerks within the unelected League of Municipalities. They never appealed to those victims of their aggression and theft.
The city’s resolution is entitled “In Support of Sound, Fair and Uniform Annexation Statutes.” Fair annexation? What a perversion of truth. By this logic, cancer is fair and sound. An important tool for orderly growth? The growth has already occurred. They want and lust for money that they did not earn. Greed and control is what this is about.
Sadly, taxes will eventually be hiked on all city residents to pay for this scheme. Annexed homeowners will lose, city residents will lose, businesses will lose, the economy will lose, but the five city bosses will feel great.
ó Steve Poteat
Support for GSAs
I agree deeply with Mike Clawson’s (March 1) letter about Principal Ron Turbyfill not practicing his preachings.
If it were up to me, I would have a GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) at every school in North Carolina. As a student at Carson High, I believe we need one. We can have clubs for everything else, but not a GSA because it is too controversial. Why can we have a CYC (Committed Young Christians) but not a GSA?
All they are is a group of people standing for what they believe in, and I believe in GSAs. Every group has had an uprising, and now it’s time for the homosexuals to have theirs.
ó Billy Holshouser
Poetry in motion
What a wonderful gift to the community Jon Lakey has given in the photos and accompanying audio story on the starlings/grackles that gather every evening near downtown Salisbury. I’ve marveled at the sight of those seemingly millions of birds. Now, thanks to Jon and his slideshow on the Post’s Web site, I know more about them and enjoyed some poetry, too. Thanks!
ó Gail Poulton
Quite a sight
Thanks so much for the slideshow, we enjoyed it. We’ve seen the birds and what a sight!
ó Fran and Wally Burding
Gold Hill
Editor’s note: To view Jon Lakey’s slideshow, with poetic narration by Clyde Overcash, go to www.salisburypost.com.
An editor’s note in Monday’s letters to the editor listed the wrong address for a Web site. The article by Warren Smith criticizing Oprah Winfrey can be found at www.crossroad.to; it is posted under the “Media and Entertainment” heading.