Moore new executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Rowan

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beth Moore has been named the new executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.
The decision was made after a regional search and selection process, the agency said in a news release.
Moore began with Prevent Child Abuse Rowan as a forensic interviewer. During the past year, she has represented the agency and its Child Advocacy Center — called the Terrie Hess House — in numerous ways.
“She has worked diligently to help create awareness in community, assisted the board of directors with multiple fundraisers, and continuously goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the abused children of Rowan County have a voice,” the news release said. 
A Catawba County native, Moore graduated from East Carolina University with a degree in business management. She worked in the nonprofit sector in Atlanta for six years before joining the United States Peace Corps and moving to Namibia, Africa. 
In Africa, she worked with orphaned and vulnerable children, helping them deal with domestic violence and sexual abuse issues within their homes. After completing her service, she relocated to Salisbury to work with Prevent Child Abuse Rowan. 
She is certified as a child forensic interviewer through The Childhood Trust and The Center for Family Solutions in Butler County, Ohio.
Moore is a current member of Leadership Rowan. 
Prevent Child Abuse Rowan serves children who have been physically or sexually abused and their families. Bringing together police, prosecutors, social workers, child protection workers, health and mental health providers, child advocacy centers assess, investigate and offer a coordinated service response to the physical, emotional, and legal dimensions of child abuse. The agency serves children from birth to age 18.