Letters to the editor — Monday (4-3-2017)
Published 12:07 am Monday, April 3, 2017
Thanks to United Way, Arc of Rowan for supporting SOAR
The Rowan Cabarrus Community College SOAR Program is designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The people in the program would like to express our gratitude to The Arc of Rowan County and Rowan County United Way.
The Arc of Rowan County has been instrumental in establishing several critical programs for families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc provides a summer day program that provides a secure and positive environment for children and young adults from ages 5-21 with intellectual and other related developmental disabilities. This is yet another great partnership that The Arc has with the local school system.
Because of the generosity and contributions of the Rowan County United Way and the support of The Arc of Rowan County, SOAR has reliable transportation to various job-related partnerships through which participants often visit and volunteer at Morgan Ridge Vineyards, The Rail Walk and North Cross Nursery to learn valuable job skills as directed by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
Without the support of The Arc of Rowan County, our program, along with multiple individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, would be unable to learn valuable life and job skills, explore the community, or feel as if they can contribute to the community or society as a whole.
Thank you to the United Way and The Arc of Rowan County for all that you do and everyone that you joyfully support.
— Jay Taylor, Stormie Starks and SOAR students
Taylor is the lead instructor for the SOAR Program and Starks is an instructor in the program.
Congress is a lost cause
The dimwits who inhabit the halls of Congress were put there for the express purpose of fixing the unworkable joke of Obamacare. They have had about seven years to do exactly that. They haven’t, so is it any wonder that less than 10 percent of the people in the USA believe that Congress is doing a good job?
The Democrats are not going to help fix the health-care mess. They would rather have some bureaucrat in government dictate what should only be between you and your doctor. If the actions of Congress were not so serious, their workings would make for a good joke.
I pray for better times but hold little hope for them. The Republicans seem unable to accomplish very little and the Democrats have swung so far left that I will not comment on them.
— Clinton Sechler
China Grove
Grand slam worth reporting
I take the paper mainly to keep up with my grandchildren’s sports. My granddaughter, Brooke Lowery, got a grand slam for South Rowan against Robinson on March 24. I could hardly wait to get the paper the next day to read about it and save it for her. Her name was not even in the article.
There are many people who never make a grand slam and this was her first, so we were very excited for her. I know she was disappointed and I hope it doesn’t make her not do her best in the future.
Please treat these young sports players fairly and recognize them they do something special.
A proud mawmaw:
— Sue Lowery
Swap meet was a tight squeeze
I went to the CBA swap meet Saturday (March 25). I bought a few things for my bike and enjoyed the band, but I do have one complaint — the bike parking.
When I started to leave, I was blocked in. I was lucky to work my way out, but my friend had to move three bikes to get out. I saw bikes parked four and five deep. If I hadn’t been able to work my way out, I don’t know how long I would have had to wait. I won’t ride my bike there again.
Something needs to be done about the parking. But except for the parking, I enjoyed the swap meet.
— Jim Younts
Keep God In and evil out
Regarding the recent front page story titled “Prayer lawsuit: Arguments cite religion, tradition”:
Before things came into being, God spoke them into being. Without God, there would be no creation of Earth or creation of man or creation of creatures. God rested on the seventh day, which is the Lord’s day. On Sunday we should worship him and do no hard labor.
So why should we take prayer out? God, our heavenly father, deserves our prayers. God deserves our worship.
Mark my words, take God out and evil, sin, will move in.
Read in the first book of the Bible about creation. This is described in the King James version and the Catholic Answer Bible. Also, in the Bible, in the book of Genesis, it says that if we live a righteous life, we will live long on the earth.
P.S. About government meetings: All we have to do is gather our thoughts and hang our heads in silence. No one will know if we are praying or thinking about what we will talk about at our meetings with government.
May God bless each and every one of you.
— Carolyn Osian