Letters to the editor – Wednesday (4-23-08)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clinton knows about working-class struggleHow refreshing to read Bessie B. Johnson’s positive letter to the Post about Sen. Hillary Clinton (April 16). Too bad so many people do not realize what a magnificent candidate she is. Let’s look at her history. She is not from an elite family but an average one that struggled. So she knows about the problems that the working families of America face.
For example, let’s look at some of her proposals: the most visible advocate for universal health care, has a three-point exodus plan for bringing our troops home from Iraq, a plan to bring economic opportunities to rural/urban America, to address global warming, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, take aggressive action to move our country to renewable energy sources, improve education and make college more affordable.
And, as a woman, it is critical for me to support a presidential candidate who understands issues that are important to me, my family and my country. Therefore, on May 6, or earlier, go to the polls and join me in voting for Sen. Hillary Clinton because she is the candidate most qualified to lead us.
ó Jana L. Annas
Our loss Rowan’s gain
Republican Women in Action is one of two Federated Republican Women’s clubs in Alexander County. Donna Peeler was our N.C. regional vice president for the past four years. When her term was up in December, we lost a valued friend and leader.
Our loss was Rowan County’s gain. Donna Peeler was always there for us and gave us positive direction. She could always negotiate problems, praise our progress and inspired and mentored our members to run for public office.
The voters of Rowan County have the unique opportunity to have Donna Peeler represent them on the Board of Commissioners. She works hard for any cause that she believes in and she will work hard for you.
Please vote for Donna and utilize her talents and abilities.
ó Margaret Bumgarner
Bumgarner is president of ReupblicanWomen in Action/Taylorsville.