Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 28, 2017
More openings
In the last article I wrote about opening leads from sequences and from your longest and strongest suit. But as with everything bridge, those choices are not always available or are non-productive. So what do you do?
Continuing from Bill Treble’s “Defending at Bridge” you have several choices just looking at your hand. You could lead from shortness especially if you have ruffing power. You could lead trump if you suspect declarer could have ruffing power against you later in play and you wish to deny them the opportunity.
If partner has made a bid, and you value your partnership, you should lead the top card in his suit. Again if you have none of these options, you could consider Barbara Seagram’s BOSTON option, Bottom of Something Top of Nothing. Your hand is a “normal” horrible (S 8 6 3 2, H Q 7, D K 4 3 2, C K T 5). In this hand, the 2 of Diamonds is Bottom of Something so partner may lead back to you if possible. Partner, being familiar with 4th from longest and strongest, your lead of the 8 of Spades should scream,” this is the top of nothing.” Your hand alone is not the only thing to consider. You need to think about the objective of your defense and the information gathered during the auction. I will cover these later.
Our Friday, May 19 Evergreen game was smaller than usual because of the Greensboro Sectional Tournament but a good time was had by all present. Winning: 1st Betsy Bare and Dick Brisbin, 2nd BettyBonner Steele and Rosemary Sokolowski, tied for 3rd /4th Nancy Brandt and Tom Johnson with Jean and Loyd Hill.
Featured is board#23 All vulnerable South dealer
S J 3 2
H A Q T 6 4
D 9 8 2
C Q 3
S 8 6 S A T 9 5
H 5 H K 9 3 2
D A Q 6 5 D J 7 4 3
C A 9 7 6 5 2 C 4
S K Q 7 4
H J 8 7
C K J T 8
Best N/S score 2NS making by BettyBonner Steele and Rosemary Sokolowski , best E/W score 4HN down 4 made by the McLaughlins. Partner’s bid was diamonds so East led the top card in his suit defeating the contract.
The winners at the May 23 Women’s Club game: 1st Becky Creekmore and Marie Pugh, 2nd Pat Macon and Judy Hurder, 3rd John and Myrnie McLaughlin, 4th Lawana Ford and Beth Shafer.