District Court June 11

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 13, 2008

District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee.
CSWóCommunity service work.
DCóDismissed by the court.
DDóDismissal without leave after deferred prosecution.
LDPóLimited driving privilege.
NAóNotice of appeal.
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs.
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney.
Disposition of cases heard June 11 in Rowan District Criminal, Traffic and Infractions Court by Judge Marshall Bickett:
– Failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change ó Monta Chima Achi, $50 fine, court cost, also driver failure to wear seat belt, RS; Mitchell S. Whitaker, two charges, $50 fine and court cost in each case; John Stefan Wofford, $50 fine, court cost, also speeding, VD, also using foreign license while driving while license revoked, VD.
– No operator’s license ó Jose Colon Analco, Shawn Richard Halstead, $50 fine, court cost; Paul Bamburak, VD; Jose O. Dubon, also unsafe movement, $50 fine, court cost; Jay Scott Haught, VD, also driving left of center, VD.
– Speeding ó Jenna Anne Backes, $50 fine, court cost; Robert Jeffrey Baldwin, Molly Secreast Isenhour, $15 fine, court cost; Gary Ray Blalock, Scottie Cornell Clark, Paul Alan Cleveland, Ted Alfred Corriher, Elan Petrece Cowan, Louis Michael Delorenzo, Tereza Alor Navarro, Rebecca Evans Phelps, Kathy Corriher Short, Shiela Lynn Sweatt, Estus White III, PJC/C; Rocky Dean Eagle, PJC/C, also driver failure to wear seat belt, $25 fine; Margaret L. Garrison, court cost; Reginald McConneaughey, PJC/C, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD.
– Failure to yield left turn ó Timothy Stephen Burrow, VD.
– Unsafe movement ó Jennifer D. Crabtree, $25 fine, court cost; Edith E. Dodson, VD; Christopher Lee Plott, VD, also license not in possession, VD.
– Improper equipment ó Adolfo Amaya Delcid, $50 fine, court cost.
– Carrying concealed gun ó Lonnell Dunn Jr., 45 days, suspended one year, $25 fine, court cost, evidence to be destroyed.
– Failure to maintain lane control ó Melinda Dawn Dwyer, VD.
– Driving while impaired ó Gerald Ray Elkins, 60 days, suspended one year, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, LDP; Jose Avila Hernandez, 60 days, suspended one year, special probation of seven days in jail in lieu of CSW, credit time served,court cost, also expired/no inspection sticker, possessing/displaying fictitious,cancelled, revoked registration card/tag and driving left of center, VD in all three cases; John Myers Mullis Jr., 60 days, suspended one year, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, LDP after 45 days, also failure to stop for steady red light, VD; Randy Dean Stoner, 60 days, suspended one year, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, NA.
– Injury to real property ó Jacob Ryan Goodman, 45 days, suspended, 24 months probation, court cost, not associate with named persons, not trespass at Carson High School, also public disturbance, 43 days, credit time served, also second-degree trespassing, VD; Kwamane Hoover, two charges, 45 days, also third charge injury to real property, driver failure to wear seat belt and possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, 45 days at expiration of first sentence.
– Speeding in highway work zone ó Tameka Chantel Harris, $250 fine, court cost.
– Assault on a female ó James Thomas Horne, DC.
– Possession of up to a ounce of marijuana ó Deven Anthony Kimble, DD, one year probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, 24 hours CSW, drug education class, evidence to be destroyed; Krisna Devon Saunders, 15 days at expiration of current sentence, suspended, 24 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF.
– Expired/no inspection sticker ó Johnny Morgan Jr., $25 fine, court cost, also possessing/displaying fictitious,cancelled, revoked registration card/tag, VD.
– Failure to reduce speed ó Bryan Duane Nail, Wayne Watson Rainey, Wayne Jackson Ruff, VD.
– Expired registration card/tag ó Evan Lamonte Neely, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD.
– Simple possession of Schedule VI controlled substance ó Jason Clary Osborne, $50 fine, court cost, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Amanda M. Swicegood, 12 months probation, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, drug education class, evidence to be destroyed, also failure to stop for stop sign/flashing red light, VD.
– Driving/allowing motor vehicle with no registration to be driven ó Vicki Lee Ranzinger, also allowing unlicensed to drive and permitting operation of vehicle with no insurance, VD in all three cases.
– Driving while license revoked ó Reanna Darby Reid, 120 days, suspended, 24 months probation, $250 fine, court cost, CAAF; Christopher A. Shoe, 45 days, suspended, 18 months probation, $100 fine, court cost, also driver failure to wear seat belt, RS.
– Assault and battery ó Felissa M. Robbins, DC.
– Careless and reckless driving ó Daunte Shaunri Scott, $50 fine, court cost, also driver failure to wear seat belt, RS.
– Possession of drug paraphernalia ó David Glenn Shaver, $50 fine, court cost, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Kristy Lee Strickland, 12 months probation, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, drug education class, evidence to be destroyed, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD, also simple possession of Schedule IV controlled substance, VD.
– Exceeding safe speed ó Elisha Rakes Slagle, VD.
– Carrying concealed gun ó Jose D. Torres-Costro, 45 days, suspended 24 months, $100 fine, court cost, return gun, also location of TV in vehicle, VD, also no operator’s license, VD.