Letters to the editor – Monday (8-04-08)
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 1, 2008
Stop negativity, candidates
This has got to be the longest election on record. It has been going on now almost as long as the war in Iraq. I, for one, am up to “here” with all the rhetoric and posturing of the candidates.
It seems to be a trend, in every election since Harry Truman, to point out all the flaws and shortcomings of our candidates, many of whom turned out to be pretty good presidents. Truman was a hot-headed nobody from the Midwest, supposedly, who would not be presidential. Remember that one? I also recall what a very fine leader he was. Eisenhower was an old, worn out war horse, but he prevailed, and we had unprecedented peace and progress. Then there was that “boy,” the “flash in the pan” Kennedy, and how about that worn-out movie star, Reagan? They were all vilified by their opponents.
I am fed up with the bashing and insulting going on among our national candidates. I don’t care how old their mother is. I don’t care what church they attend. I don’t even care if their wife would make a good first lady or not ó she’s not running for office! What I want to hear is what are they going to do to bolster our economy, what will they do to bring this horrible war to an end, and when, and how they propose to work with Congress, something very few of our presidents have been able to do with any amount of success.
I implore our candidates, both national and state, to stay on point, stick to the issues, and tell me what YOU will do, not what your opponent has done or what you think he may or may not do. I am not interested in opinions, I want action!
ó Jan McCanless
China Grove