Letter: Put students before buildings
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 30, 2017
Before more schools are built, the public needs to be convinced that Rowan-Salisbury Schools is capable of doing their primary function of educating children. I do not believe RSS has shown that they are able to perform this function to the satisfaction of parents and taxpayers. There could be a better work environment for teachers.
Two ways to accomplish this are to increase discipline in the classroom and get rid of the intimidation that teachers feel.
Regarding discipline, I have heard many things that cannot be done. It is your job to find out what can be done- then show that you are competent to get the job done.
I had a teacher tell me that a second-grade girl told her, “ F—- you, you cannot make me do anything.” The teacher said the little girl was right. There is an atmosphere of intimidation. Teachers need to be partners. Their opinion counts; they have suggestions.
The direction of the Capital Needs Committee seems to be saving money. Why does RSS need a maintenance department separate from the county maintenance department? The county funds the construction and maintenance of all county buildings, including schools. Separate departments cause unnecessary duplication and inefficiency.
A suggestion I have made many times is grade-level, districtwide meetings of school improvement teams, Bboosters clubs and PTAs. This was done one time. One person would describe a problem. Others would tell what they were doing at their school. Often I heard, “I did not know you could do that!” To be effective, meetings must be moderated by independent people. Participants have to trust that there will not be retaliation for bringing up problems at their school.
We owe our children a better opportunity than we are providing. We can do better.
Can you get the job done?
— John Leatherman