Letters to the editor – Tuesday (3-31-09)
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 30, 2009
Stop the speeders in Granite Quarry
I live on West Peeler Street and am a early riser. At all hours of the day and night, I hear cars or trucks definitely exceeding the posted speed limit. Where are the police officers? They should be ticketing these people. It would raise revenue for this town.
I always obey the speed limit and if people are tailgating me, I purposely slow down.
If these speeders get angry, I say too bad. I have driven for more years than I care to say and have never been ticketed.
Please, Granite Quarry police, do something about this.
ó Nancy Garrison
Salisbury (Postal address)
Speak up on thefts
This has been one more year at the middle school my grandson attends. Where are the morals? We have had gym clothes, personal items and now a sweat shirt stolen. I hope the student who took it can explain to their parents where it came from. Those items are expensive and wlil not be found.
Maybe it would be too hard to find out who took all this stuff, but the school has a loud-speaker system.
They could at least acknowledge they know something has been taken. Maybe that would help ó just knowing that someone knows about what the thief has done.
How long would it take? Think about it, principals, and help us with this problem.
ó Lib Wilhelm
Rough crossing
The city keeps talking about annexation. I think they should fix what they have before they get more land.
Have you crossed the North Main Street railroad crossing lately? It is so rough, it feels like the motor is going to fall out of my car when I cross it.
They need to get with the railroad people and build an overpass or smooth out the crossing.
I don’t live in the city, but I have to go there sometimes.
ó Bessie Ludwig