Letter: Sick and tired of lies

Published 9:10 pm Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Trump, Trump, Trump 24/7!  Let’s change the subject for a few minutes (or less).

From president to precedent here’s my take: How about those New York Mets?  From first place to last in unprecedented time.

We’re open for discussion  as we watch our president’s perplexing actions (quite possibly) leading him to become un-presidented. Add the president’s mean-spirited comments blaming California’s Gov. Jerry Brown and (of course the Democrats) for the inferno engulfing a large area of California. Never a kind word. Always negative and vindictive comments.

I hope that the upcoming elections will send a clear message to our TV personality-turned-wannabe-president and his gang that  we’re sick and tired of their lies and we’re not gonna take it anymore.

— Herb Stark
