Letters to the editor – Sunday (5-10-09)
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 8, 2009
Celebrate working mothers, and support workers’ rights
This Sunday we celebrate mothers and the contributions they’ve made to our lives. As the pillars of our families, mothers are always looking out for everyone else. They make sure we keep our doctors appointments, that the kids get their homework done and that our homes are full of love and support. But as our nation faces the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, who is looking out for our mothers?
The latest data available shows that over 5.9 million mothers who care for young, school-aged children are without health insurance. Low-income mothers are even more at risk for being uninsured even though the vast majority of them are working. Something is wrong with this picture. Our system is out of whack when moms have to work two and three jobs and still don’t have health coverage.
That’s why we need reform.
The Employee Free Choice Act is a bill currently in Congress that would allow workers the freedom to form unions. This legislation would put the choice in the hands of the workers and not corporations. In North Carolina, women who are in unions earn nearly 8 percent more than women who aren’t members of unions. And when moms have it better, so do the rest of us.
Since I’ve joined a union, I’ve become stronger, more outspoken, and a better worker at the VA hospital, because I have a voice on the job and fair representation. I teach my kids to always expect dignity and respect in their jobs, and to support worker’s rights to bargain for a better life.
So on Mother’s Day let’s do something for the women who do so much for us. Let’s call on Congress to stand up for working moms and pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
ó Essie Hogue
An inspirational story
After reading the May 5 article about our Rowan County school teacher stopping and helping the lady from Georgia who was severely injured near the Yadkin River Bridge, I just had to write this short letter.
I think it is wonderful that we have this quality of teachers in Rowan County. Our school system deserves a pat on the back for selecting teachers from our Catawba College!
I only hope Alyssa Florida will be behind me if I ever have a car wreck.
Thanks again for being a good Samaritan.
ó Jim Foltz