Letters to the editor – Saturday (6-20-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 19, 2009

Police-chase tragedy:
Blame the perpetrator
It is tragic when innocent people are hurt during police chases. My heart reaches out to the families of those who were injured or lost, but it is counterproductive to blame the police or talk about further limits on police chases.
Those who run from police should bear the total blame. Those who attempt to escape from the police, whether because of having stolen designer runner shoes or diamonds, should bear the legal consequences of anyone else injured. If, as in the tragic case of the grandmother who was killed during a recent police chase, the fleeing person should have a felony murder charge added to the list of crimes. Laws should be enacted to hold the fleeing persons responsible for every injury and any collateral damage accruing from the escape attempt.
To blame the police is to create the incentive to escape.
ó Richard D. Sorensen
Headline shows abortion bias
Regarding the recent headline “Slaying suspect had railed against abortion”:
The headline implies that Scott Roeder’s opposition to abortion is what led him to shoot and kill abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, and by extension, would be the reason that any abortion foe would commit criminal actions against people and property.
Not only is this headline inaccurate, it also reveals bias on the part of the mainstream media against the pro-life position.
“Railing” against abortion is hardly an indicator of future criminal activity. Most in the pro-life community who “rail” against abortion are decent individuals who would never commit a crime. Quite the contrary, they carry out their “railing” through such means as Web sites, political activism, writing letters to the editor, etc.
However, perhaps the ultimate proof that “railing” against abortion doesn’t produce criminals is the Catholic Church, where you’ll find perhaps the most adamant abortion foes anywhere. While everyone in the church hierarchy, from Pope Benedict down to the parish priests and brothers and sisters who teach at Catholic schools has spent their entire life verbally “railing” against abortion, none of them would ever use their opposition to abortion to justify violence against another person or property.
You would be doing your readers a valuable service if you ceased using biased headlines such as the above.
ó Stephen V. Gilmore
Teachers losing their jobs
I am really concerned about the education of our children. They talk about laying off all of these teachers, and the classrooms are overcrowded now. What happened to the N.C. Education Lottery?
I think that someone needs to do some checking on where all the money is going. I think there are people lining their pockets instead of putting the money where it is supposed to go. Why should our teachers and children have to suffer when all that money is supposed to go for education? No summer school, because of no money in the budget? Come on.
ó Diane Urban
China Grove
An imminent danger
The intent of this letter is to inform all born-again Christians of the imminent danger we face, and to publicly reveal a tremendous organization that we all can join and begin making a difference in our nation.
Friends, it is no secret that our nation is rapidly turning away from our godly heritage. And it also very evident that God is not blessing our nation and churches as he once did. However, what does not seem to be evident among Christians (congregations and pastors alike) is the fact that unless we find a way of making our voices heard immediately we are going to lose our freedom to openly worship God. More importantly, our children and grandchildren will have to live in a country that knows nothing of the blessings that come to a nation “whose God is the Lord.”
Friends, I know that our God is sovereign, but that fact does not give Christians the right to sit back and do nothing until Christ comes. It is our duty as Christians and citizens of this great nation to promote Godly values by our involvement in government as well as our churches and communities!
Now, if you are willing to make a difference and are not sure what to do, the following institute is the very best Christian action group that I know of : The Faith And Freedom Institute; P.O. Box 148; Altoona, Pa. 16603 (814-944-2894). Web site : www.faithandfreedominstitute.com
ó Evangelist Rick Freeborn