Letter: Don’t let go
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 4, 2018
Please take the time to read this and think about: The releasing of balloons. Emotionally, it is considered exactly the right thing to do. Environmentally it is absolutely the wrong thing to do.
Now if the pillars and politicians will take the time to answer these questions:
All the politicians: Whatever happened to “Keep N.C. Clean and Green”?
The KJV scholars: Is it in your Good Book about being wise stewards?
The law enforcers: Why is it littering to toss one beer can out of your pickup, but not releasing hundreds of balloons?
The Salisbury Post: How about some editorials for the damage it does? Or at least a dart?
WBTV news: Wouldn’t you like to be on our side? Let’s get the ban started.
RoCo animal services: Are your hands tied on this matter, too?
Other animal activists: What are you waiting on?
RoCo Bored: Have you five ever thought about this Mark Twain quote: “It is never wrong to do the right thing”?
At this point in time, I need to reach out for a sponsor. Something well known, like a hospital or a mattress store would be nice. Basically, the tool I was thinking about is another award.
Actually, I can name three “folks” that haven’t done anything about this for four years. But I’m sure they would totally love to wrap their arms around another trophy. That was an un-dorsement.
We should call it the “Wonder Cup” and have it engraved with, “Don’t Let Go.”
Then at a bored meeting during the presentation, if you happen to see a balloon floating around, you can ask this questions: “I wonder who let one go?”
— Whitey Harwood
Rowan County