Letter: An honor
Published 1:40 am Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Area ministers and community leaders have selected Mrs. Elizabeth Cook and the Salisbury Post newspaper for outstanding service for over 20 years (as editor). The paper has provided a balanced approach to traumatic events, which helped to keep the community together.
She was the keynote speaker at the Wrenn House “Ministers Luncheon.”
At Editor Cook’s recent reception in the Post lobby, children ran around, playing tag between the adults — which made the event very lighthearted. Mayor Al Heggins, Catawba President Brien Lewis, Dr. Randy Kirby and his wife, the Rev. Barrie Kirby were present.
The Rev. Bob Freeman and Dr. Ronald Hash will present a special award at the appropriate time in the future. In the meantime, we wish Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, bon voyage and their travels be blessed. Her grandson Jack is 18 months old and will keep her very busy.
God bless America, the world and the universe.
— Chaplain Fleming & Yoshiko Otey