Letter: Creative ideas for border wall

Published 11:23 pm Saturday, December 29, 2018

Here are some creative ideas for the border wall.

• Build the wall with solar panels. Produce solar energy and make a profit. Use the profit to fund the wall and border security.

• Build public housing next to the wall. Give residents permission to protect their domain similar to Florida law states.

• Give U.S. citizens federal land so they can build homes and farms.

• Create a lottery and sell tickets and give away a grand prize of a Chevrolet Impala before they quit making them

• Ask each U.S. citizen to donate one dollar. The U.S. Postal Service could collect one dollar just like it collects a can of food. There are so many millionaires who could donate the entire cost.

The best idea is to sell bricks with your name written on the brick or in memory of a loved one. These bricks could enhance the border wall.

— Gerald Yates
