Letters to the editor – Saturday (9-5-2009)

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 4, 2009

Don’t ignore parental choice
I read late Tuesday that the president was scheduled to speak to our public schoolchildren next Tuesday.
A packet of activities was sent out electronically with an August 26 electronic letter from U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan. He encouraged school administrators to air the presidential broadcast to all public schoolchildren. The packet of activities included “lesson plans” for the children.
I did extensive research on the Internet attempting to find a transcript or video of his address to no avail.
Wednesday morning, I contacted the Rowan-Salisbury Schools administration office hoping to get information on the address.
No one in the office was aware of the scheduled address.
I called again Thursday afternoon and talked with the public information officer, Rita Foil. Ms. Foil reported that state school officials had told all county school authorities about the address and left it up to each county to decided whether to show it.
Ms. Foil stated that Rowan County school officials had decided the address will be shown in our county schools. She stated it would be up to each individual teacher as to whether to show the address or record it to be included in later lesson plans. She also stated it would not be mandatory for the children to watch the program. I asked if parents will be notified of the scheduled program. She said they were not required to notify the parents.
My concern is this:
The decision to show this address bypasses the parents’ consent.
No one in our educational system, from local schools to county authorities and at the state level, is aware of the contents of this address.
I encourage all parents to contact your local schools, learn of the particular open-ended policy the school may take, and take action if you are uncomfortable with the school’s position.
ó Vera Cope
A great Legion year
We, the board of Kannapolis American Legion Post 115, would like to congratulate the Rowan Legion team for a great year.
This has taken a lot of dedication and love of baseball. This team represented the state of North Carolina as well as Rowan County. This team can be proud of the Salisbury Post for keeping everybody informed and also for all the news coverage.
Thanks again for a great season.
ó Helen Beaver
Young FriendsRowan students may have been out of school this summer, but they stayed busy, doing projects to help Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary.
The “Green Team” at China Grove Middle School donated an entire year’s worth of recycled cans to us.
Emma and Maddie Labovitz gave donations from their B’not Mitzvah.
A generous 9-year-old donated her Nintendo savings for the animals.
Emily and Ellison Frick asked for pet food for FFAS instead of gifts at their birthday party.
Twelve-year-old Emory Ziegler went around hat in hand and collected $27 in donations.
Eighth-grader Anne Lingle, third-grader Chandler Mays, first-grader Noah Holshouser, and 4-year-old Lane Holshouser sold doughnuts at a yard sale and earned $38 for Faithful Friends.
Last but certainly not least, the West Rowan Middle School Student Council raised a whopping $400 by having a “Pretzels for Puppies” pretzel sale and a dog bowl toss.
We give grateful thanks to all our young Faithful Friends!
ó Anne Ingram
Ingram is president of Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary.Community resourceI would like to commend Brad Walser and Walser Technology Group (WTG) for so positively contributing to our community.
As head of school for Salisbury Academy, I depend greatly on WTG for the school’s technology support. This support is a professional service delivered in a personal way. Additionally, I appreciate the beautiful renovation to their new location at 108 South Main Street in Downtown Salisbury.
Thank you, Walser Technology Group, for your contribution to our community.
ó Diane Fisher