Letters to the editor – Saturday (10-3-06)

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 2, 2009

Fair donations add up to tons of food
What is magic about 13,365? This number is the total pounds of food Rowan Helping Ministries received from the Rowan County Fair. We have been buzzing with a high all week long and want to thank everyone that brought food to the fairgrounds. We also would like to thank Johnny Love, Don Kiker, Darrin Dimarzo, Brent McLimore, David Kimmer, Faith Jaycees and Spencer Jaycees. Without your efforts, this magic number would not have appeared.
Our food pantry has seen an increase of clients needing food assistance. More than 1,200 pounds of groceries are distributed each day through the RHM food pantry and RHM West. Your efforts have enabled Rowan Helping Ministries to continue to fulfill the needs of Rowan County residents.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
ó Cam Campbell
Campbell is Volunteer Program Manager for Rowan Helping Ministries.Big job, big help
North Rowan Elementary Student Government Association wants to thank all the staff, family and friends of our students who supported our fifth annual mum sale. The beautiful mums are provided by the the Garden Greenhouse on Woodleaf Rd. Owner John Sherrill and his staff have been so helpful in loading all those plants, and it is a BIG job! Sometimes the words “thank you” are not big enough. But when it is sincere and heartfelt … it is.
ó Kristen Hodges & Darby Nelson
North Rowan Elementary School
The writers are SGA advisors at North Rowan Elementary.
Standing for life
Plans are being made for the “Please Let Me Live” nationwide life chain this Sunday. Across the nation, including many areas of North Craolina, hundreds of folks will stand for one hour in memory of those that have lost their lives through abortion.
In 1994, a group of pro-life college students concerned about the abortion rate and hurting young women began a new ministry, www.crossroads ministry.org. Since that time, three groups of students ages 18-30 (wearing pro-life shirts) have taken the summer off to walk from the San Francisco area to Washington, D.C., to make folks aware of their group.
Kelsey McManus from Arlington, Va., a student at Notre Dame University, is walking along with 30 others traveling 15-20 miles per day on their way to Washington. Their route included the Rocky Mountains. Kelsey said, “We have walked through hail, rain, winds, dark and sunshine on our trip as we are half way through.”
Kelsey is a nursing student and wants to work with premature babies.
Kelsey says, “As we walk, our desire is to change hearts.”
Check out their site for more information about adoptions, homes for pregnant teens and how to join them next year in their walk.
You can join us on Sunday in Statesville, Harmony, Union-Grove, Troutman, Mocksville, Salisbury, Kannapolis or Mooresville. For more local area, you may check out www.lifechain.net.
ó Linda Murdock Harmon