Meet the Players: Rodney Cline

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Name: Rodney Cline
School: West Rowan
Sports: Football, track
Family: 3 younger brothers
Nickname: Big Cline, Hot Rod
My hidden talent: Sleeping for a long time
Favorite restaurant: China Buffet
Favorite class: Weightligting
Favorite TV show: Scrubs
Favorite movie: Anything that’s comedy
Favorite sports team: Carolina Tar Heels
Favorite athlete: Kobe
Favorite musician: Lil Wayne
Three words that best describe me: Smart, funny, nice
Celebrity dream date: Beyonce
The actor who would star in the movie about my life: Will Smith
Biggest rival: Myself
My greatest accomplishment: Joining National Honor Society
Career goal: Become a doctor
If I become a millionaire by age 20, I will: Stay in college