Letter: No legitimate reason for socialism in America
Published 12:02 am Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Anyone who can look at North Korea and current events in Venezuela and still think socialism is a good idea doesn’t need to be voting.
My father was born dirt poor. He had one pair of pants to wear, which he washed nightly and hung by the wood stove to dry. He was an orphan at age 14. He went to school during the day and welded at night. From there, he moved up through to become a successful businessman and provide a comfortable living for a wife and three children.
Someone is sure to read this letter and say “but this,” “but that” and “not everyone”.
But nothing.
There is no legitimate reason for socialism. It’s just a power grab by the lazy.
If you don’t like your station in life, jump on the bus and move to another station. It isn’t everyone else’s responsibility to give you the things you want in life. Get off your butt, stop making bad choices and stop blaming others for your problems.
— David Wilson
Mt. Ulla