Quotes of the week
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 21, 2014
“They are positive numbers and positive elements, but we still have a long way to go.”
— Robert Van Geons,
RowanWorks director,
on improvement in the
local poverty rate
“The hand that’s
extended to give is
always in the best
position to receive.”
— Wilson Cherry,
recipient of Rowan United
Way’s Jackie Award
“[The city’s] goal was to wait until they got to the three new commissioners because they were
all fostered by the downtown groups
anyway. We are going to proceed, period.”
— Craig Pierce, vice chair,
Rowan County commission,
on the time it took City Council to finalize
its decision on a special use permit
for West End Plaza
“This was not exactly somebody wanting two pool tables
instead of one.”
— Paul Woodson, mayor,
on the city’s handling of the special use permit request
“Don’t throw a
challenge in front
of him,”
— Linda Hensley,
on grandson Jared Hensley, who earned 31 Boy Scout merit badges in one year,
a record for his troop