Letter: What’s bothersome about the Bidens

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 6, 2019

So, President Donald Trump asked Ukraine to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s suspicious, lucrative and well-known business dealings. Troubling? Maybe. But I wonder how newsworthy this would be if Biden wasn’t seeking  Trump’s job.

What does trouble me are the millionaire members of Congress in their $1,000 Hickey Freemen suits as well as the dirty deals, secrets and nepotism running rampant inside the Beltway. They may start off as middle-class men and women working for the people who voted for them, but way too many leave D.C. with vastly more than they came with.

Regarding “plain middle class” Joe: In 2014, Biden and his son Hunter flew to the Ukraine on Air Force 2. With no known expertise in the natural gas industry, Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma, Ukraine’s gas company, and paid $50,000 to $83,333 a month from 2014 to this year.

In 2015, in a joint venture with a Chinese government entity, Hunter put together a deal to purchase a U.S. automotive company with possible military applications. The ease with which the Obama-Biden administration approved it sent red flags to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is looking into the Biden family’s foreign dealings. The plot thickens.

Included with this 2015 deal and under scrutiny is Bohai Harvest, a billion-dollar investment fund backed by China and formed by Biden’s buddy Chris Heinz, stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry. From what I’ve read, China’s philanthropic “deals” almost always benefit China. Wonder what it got in return?

It seems to me old Biden, son Hunter and Biden’s millionaire brother, James, are no longer part of the middle class. Maybe it’s time for Biden to sing a different song on the campaign trail: “We Bidens got the millionaire blues.”

It’s that kind of stuff that really troubles me.

— Kathryn Dews
