Ann Farabee: Is it hopeless?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 19, 2020

Oh, David! Surely you were drowning in hopelessness as you were in that sea of trouble.

Your words in Psalm 69:1-12 surpassed the ordinary in my mind — and took me right to where the waves had been relentlessly crashing in my own life.

For days, the Holy Spirit kept sending me back to read those words one more time. They obviously were from your heart, David, as you were one that was sinking in despair, seemingly without hope.

I understood. For I must admit, I have felt it, too.


Your words kept piercing my heart:  The waters are coming into my soul. I am sinking in deep mire. I am in deep waters. I am weary of crying while I wait for God. Some hate me without a cause. They want to destroy me. I am a stranger to my brethren. Those that sit in the gates — the ‘higher ups’ and the drunkards — speak against me. God, you know my foolishness. My sins are not hidden from you. Shame covers my face. I am wearing a sackcloth to symbolize my grief.

You, David? The one God calls a man after His own heart? How could that have been you? Sinking in despair? Uncontrollable tears? Rejected by family? Circumstances beyond your capability to fix? Accused unjustly? Undeserved suffering? Bodily anguish? Broken hearted? Grieving? Bearing shame? Ridiculed? Humiliated?

Sometimes — we all feel it.

Sometimes — it feels hopeless.

Inadequate. Incompetent. In despair.

Oh, David.

We feel your heart.

Should we just give up?

What did you do about it?

We need to know.

David’s response began in Psalm 69:13 –

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O Lord, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy, hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

It was time.

He prayed.

He did not need to carry that burden by himself one second longer.

In the midst of hopelessness — prayer was the answer.

• Don’t feel like praying? David may not have, either.

• The chapter began with complaining to God — and ended with praising God.

• From prayer to praise — works every time.

• Hopelessness can still find hope.

• Guess you could say David went from woe is me to wow is He!