Ann Farabee column: COVID vaccine

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 28, 2021

By Ann Farabee

7:45pm. It had arrived. COVID vaccine No. 1 was underway.

It had been a journey to get to this point.

After signing up for an appointment that was 35 days away, I canceled it when I got an appointment that was 10 days away. I felt successful.

There had been apprehension. My experience with COVID a few months prior had been horrible, to say the least. Even though I was confident in the effectiveness of the vaccine, I was nervous about side effects.

I had asked many questions and had done research, but the truth was, I would have gotten the vaccine anyway. COVID was something I would never want to go through again.

Day 1: Appointment night. I entered a Walgreens close to my home and was one of the only customers in the store. They were ready for me. I had the last appointment for the day. The entire process was short and simple. Painless, too.

As I was getting the shot, all I thought about was that I was part of history being made. One day school children would be reading about those of us who had experienced this time of COVID.

I was handed my official proof of vaccination card — I think I will save it.

I was extremely pleased with myself. I had conquered my concerns. I had fought off my fears. I almost felt special.

Day 2: Early that morning, I happily thanked the Lord for no side effects!

I almost felt a little smug.

By mid-afternoon, I regretted the smugness. My arm hurt. My head hurt. My body ached. I felt fatigued. Chills came. Fever joined them.

Yes, I was perfect. I had 100% of the listed side effects that I had read about.

It felt as if I had COVID again. I went to bed.

Day 3: Time in bed continued. In order to not be a boring person, I added in pain, redness, and a knot at the site of the injection. I was told this was called COVID Arm. Hmm? It had a name. The next 24 hours brought a doubling in the size of the diameter of the redness.

Day 4: The redness had tripled in size. My arm hurt. But, my time in bed was over.

Day 5: My arm was fine. I was fine.

I am now ready for COVID vaccine No. 2.

Lord, be with our healthcare workers, hospitals, schools, businesses, nursing homes, families, children, unemployed, sick, anxious, fearful, the lonely, our country, and our world as we go through this season of COVID together. Thank You, Lord, for being our comforter, healer, provider, protector, and savior. Amen

How did your COVID vaccination experience go? Email me at . I would love to hear from you!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

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