Sessions on stopping cyber bullying Wednesday at South Rowan
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Communities In Schools of Rowan County will present a session on cyber bullying by Damon Nash at South Rowan High School. It will be offered during several sessions starting at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday.
Nash is from Cleveland, Ohio, and now lives in Raleigh. He is the founder of Nfluence ME, a youth empowerment company. Nash was also a member of the Closing the Achievement Gap Committee in Durham which received $1.2 million to help at-risk students close achievement gaps. He has presented programs to more than 25,000 students across the United States and traveled the country getting students to do one thing — think.
Nash is speaking to students about cyber bullying and telling them the decisions they make now do stay forever in cyber world. Online intimidation and rumors are still considered bullying, even though it is not done in person and is seemingly anonymous. “Bullying is bullying no matter what format is utilized,” said Vicky Slusser, executive director of Communities In Schools of Rowan County, a United Way agency.
“Over the last several years, bullying has been a focus for educators and students. I am happy that we have been able to partner with China Grove Rotary and Communities In Schools to provide this timely information to our students. We need to keep vigilant in our efforts to keep bullying at the forefront of our students’ minds. Words and actions can hurt people deeply. Programs like the one Damon Nash provides is a step in the direction of the civility.” said Dr. Donald Knox, principal of South Rowan High School.