FUMC preschoolers raise $285.47 for Christmas Happiness Fund from loose change
Published 12:06 am Sunday, December 19, 2021
SALISBURY — Some things are certain about the holidays in Salisbury.
Crews lift a star over the middle of the Square, crowds line the street to watch the city’s annual Christmas parade, a cadre of singers serenade attendees of First Baptist Church’s living Christmas tree, Salisbury Police partner with Gerry Wood Auto Group to give bikes to children and preschoolers at First United Methodist Church make the short trip to the Salisbury Post to deliver their Christmas Happiness Fund donation.
This year, the youngsters raised a total of $285.47 for the Christmas Happiness Fund, which the local Salvation Army uses to ensure children receive gifts. The preschoolers on Friday formed an orderly line in the Post’s lobby and carefully dropped the donation into a golden Christmas Happiness Fund box.
Kelly Austin, the preschool director, said the children brought in change this month and last. Sometimes, the donation is boosted by an adult donation, but this year’s sum was almost entirely comprised of loose change, Austin said.
Austin says fundraising is accompanied by a lesson that starts before Thanksgiving about being thankful and about needs versus wants. Throughout November and December, change is collected in plastic cheeseball containers decorated with fall leaves, she said.
It’s routine by now for adults at First United Methodist Church’s preschool, but Austin said it’s still exciting for the children. They enjoy watching the total grow larger every day, Austin said.
Contributions can be brought to the Salisbury Post, located at 131 West Innes St., weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or mailed to Christmas Happiness, c/o Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145. Checks can be made payable to Christmas Happiness Fund. Donations can also be placed in the Salisbury Post front door mail slot.
The latest donations are as follows:
• In memory of Ruth and Carl Agner, Kathleen and Pat Broadway and Charles Agner, by Patrick and Linda Broadway, $200
• In honor of Rowan County Children by the First United Methodist Church Preschool, $285.47
• In honor of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren by Jim and Barbara Norman, $100
• In memory of my husband Robert Cobb and my mother Alda Davies by Sandra Cobb, $200
• In honor of my wife’s wonderful doctors, nurses and staff over the last year, by Dana and Jan Samuelson, $25
• Jerry Swink, $100
• Anonymous donation, $100
• In honor of my brother whom I’ve never met, Gary Stephen Chapman, by Elaine Chapman Howle, $100
• Jennifer Lee, $100
• In memory of Tiger, Squirt, Fluffy, Gizmo, Stinker, Wesley, Chloe and Brownie and in honor of Tricia on her birthday by Benny, Harry and John. $100
• In honor of Tuesday’s Lunch Bunch by Helen Safrit, $100
• In loving memory of Jim Wilson by Anne, $50
• In loving memory of Richard F. Lentz, Jr. by Anne, $50
• In loving memory of J.P. and Sally Helms and Libby Hoffmire by Anne, $50
• In loving memory of Aubrey Sophia Denn, from Great Grandma Anne, $50
• In memory of my wife Anne Loeblein by Bob Loeblein, $100
• In honor of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church clergy, staff and choirs by Pennie and Dick Martin, $100
• In memory of Jimmy Hurley, by Hen and Joan Henderlite, $100
• In memory of our beloved son Chris Pinkston by Gary and Betty Pinkston, $100
• In memory of our parents, B.F. and Edna Pinkston and Clarence and Janie Wise by Gary and Betty Pinkston, $400
• In memory of David Goodman, Scott Rierson, Patrick Virtue, John D. Reynolds, III and Danny Benedetto, by family and friends, $250
• In memory of Hoytt and Anne Heilig, Mildred and Roy Arthurs and Jean A. Luther, by Phyllis and Donald Heilig, $100
• In loving memory of Myrtice and Dimp Roberts, by Ginny Parnell Mabey and Andy Parnell, $150
• In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Parnell, Sr., by Ginny Parnell Mabey and Andy Parnell, $150
• In memory of Butler and Dorothy Weddington, and In honor of John, Jane and Gail by Sue, $100
• In loving memory of a special loving daughter Dawn Petrea, by Larry and Barbara Gentle, $100
• In memory of Alvin Smith, by Jeff and Rhonda Ward, $60
• In loving memory of Jim Wood, by Peggy and Lesley, $100
Daily total: $3,420.47
Running total: $28,596.01
Two anonymous donations also were made directly to the Salvation Army on behalf of the Christmas Happiness Fund — $1,000 in memory of Carolyn Cates Hurley and $1,000 in memory of Buck Hurley.