Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 24, 2013
Ask what you can do for your country
I am writing in response to Allan Gilmour’s letter to the editor (“Intentional economic collapse?” Jan. 24). I so agree with him on the intentions of our president. He is spending our country into devastation and ruin. I feel that he truly doesn’t care about the beliefs our beloved country was founded upon. He wants to put us in such an untenable position so that we cannot defend ourselves. Our country will fall to socialism and we will not know what hit us. It will then be too late to rectify all he has done to destroy this country.
It is time for those of us who really care about this country that God gave us to speak up and have a mighty vote in its defense. We cannot sit idly back and let our government wreck this land.
John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address on Jan. 20, 1961, included this quote I truly believe is the essence for the greatness of this country. “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
Who is ready to stand up for this country that has given us so much? As the Bible says in the Book of Mark, “For the son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
— Susan Pharr
Another amen
Amen to Allan Gilmour. When will enough people wake up to save America from this group that is determined to destroy us. The election was heartbreaking. Romney loves this country and knows what it takes to build and maintain business. It takes more than just politics and those who love themselves more than the country.
— Virginia Burns
NAACP concerned
The NAACP is dedicated to social justice regardless of race, gender or ethnic group. We are deeply concerned with the latest allegations of police misconduct from the Salisbury Police Department. Considering the history of complaints and lawsuits, we would have hoped for an outside investigation. There appears to be a distinctive behavioral pattern of certain officers receiving complaints with no penalty. The NAACP is nonpartisan but political. Therefore, we hold our elected officials accountable to work for the good of the community as a whole.
— Scott Teamer
Teamer is president of the Salisbury-Rowan Branch of the NAACP.