Hood offering course on ethics of abortion
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 17, 2022
SALISBURY — The fall Hood Theological Seminary Messinger-Williams Community Education Initiative course offering titled “An Introduction to the Ethics of Abortion: Moving Beyond Simple Answers and Partisan Politics.”
The study will review the book “Dialogues on the Ethics of Abortion” (Routledge, 2022) by Bertha Alavarez Mannen, professor of philosophy, Arizona State University. The facilitator will be Trevor Eppehimer, Messinger-Williams Family associate professor of theology and ethics at Hood Theological Seminary.
For more information and to register for this course, go to https://www.hoodseminary.edu/Initiatives/community-education-initiative/current-course-offering. Contact Trevor Eppehimer at teppehimer@hoodseminary.edu if you have questions.
Hood Theological Seminary is a graduate and professional school sponsored by the AME Zion Church.