RRMC Auxiliary announces 2013 officers
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Rowan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Board of Directors announces its new slate of officers for the year 2013. Those serving are Sherry Wall, president; Dotty Clement, first vice president; Georgia McCorkle, second vice president; Gene Wolfe, secretary; Jane Rowland, treasurer; Carolyn Hood, assistant treasurer.
The auxiliary was organized in June of 1936 by a group of dedicated Salisbury women. There followed the Volunteer Program in 1976, with 109 active members. Auxiliary volunteers greet and assist patients in various clinical areas of the hospital.
The auxiliary raises funds through a variety of outlets, including the Gift Shop, Tree of Hope Project at Christmas, Flower Box, uniforms and jewelry sales, and contributions. These funds are used to award educational nursing scholarships as well as to supplement special patient needs.
Membership in the Auxiliary is open to any resident of the Rowan County area who is 18 years of age or older. There are no specific dues.