Weather too nice for some to take Groundhog Day prediction seriously

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 3, 2012

By Shavonne Potts
SALISBURY — Pennsylvania’s famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil surfaced Thursday and saw his shadow, leading the furry forecaster to “predict” six more weeks of winter.
But with temperatures locally climbing to nearly 70 degrees (the average is about 53), it sure felt like a different season altogether.
A Post reporter and photographer hit the streets Thursday to ask people about this not-so-winter weather. Here’s what they said:
Timothy Ehrlich
“I’ll take six more weeks of this winter. This is the best winter I’ve ever had.”
Temperatures will dip into the mid-50s next week, according to forecasts.
Freda Scoggins
“If they want to call this winter, they sure can, I’ll take it. I think it’s beautiful.”
Scoggins, along with husband Michael Ehrlich and his brother, Timothy, were in town and decided to grab a bite to eat at Sidewalk Deli.
It was warm, so they ate outside.
Steve Graham
“It’s great. Well, if it stays like this, it’s all right.”
Graham, who took a walk through downtown Salisbury, said he believes next winter will be worse.
Michael Murray
“I love it,” Murray said.
Murray and his wife, Fe, were out riding his motorcycle and stopped in the downtown area for food.
While he’s enjoying the sunny weather, Murray said it’s also a little scary because no one knows what lies ahead in the upcoming weeks or months.
A native of California, Murray said he enjoys seeing the snow and wishes there was some.
Daphne Beck
“I really can’t believe this warm weather. It’s very odd,” said the Hurley Park curator.
“I think all the winter must be in Canada,” she joked.
She keeps expecting some winter weather to arrive, but doesn’t think it’s going to happen.
This weather is also affecting plants. Beck said the star magnolias in Hurley Park are producing blooms early.
Caitlin Obando
“I think it’s nice because we are able to come outside.”
Of the groundhog, Obando said, it’s probably wrong.
Obando spent Thursday evening with daughter, Jossalyn, 3, eating ice cream and visiting the Rowan Public Library.
A few people attributed the warm weather to end of the world prophecy coming to pass.
Rowan County’s groundhog, Buddy, did not see his shadow. Due to a broken toe, Buddy was placed indoors.
Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.