Linda Beck: Am I being tested?
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2013
It had nothing to do with luck.
Three doctors were amazed that I survived this pulmonary embolism. Since I’ve learned about this condition, I know that once again the Lord carried me through a life-threatening crisis.
According to what I read on the Internet, the clot probably started in my left leg and traveled in the veins through my heart and into my lungs. It could happen again, but I will not dwell on possibilities.
Sometimes we wonder why things like this happen. Having read the biblical book of Job several times, we can see Satan as he tries to win out over the Lord.
But though the Lord allowed Satan to test Job, he forbade him to take Job’s life.
In my women’s study Bible, there is an introduction in each chapter and the following is the introduction to the book of Job.
“Job presents a striking example of the news behind the news—of God at work behind the scenes of human suffering.
After numerous attempts by Job and his friends to uncover the reasons for his suffering, God himself enters the dialogue with a majestic description of his power and love.
As you read this book realize that God may not answer all your questions about life’s suffering; realize too that God does control Satan, who can go no farther than the Lord allows.”
The Book of Job is divided into three main parts: Chapter l:l-2:10 is the prologue in which Job is tested.
Chapters 31:1-42:6 shares the question about why God allowed all of this to happen. Chapters 42:7-17 shows how Job was rewarded for his faithfulness to the Lord.
Our lives are the same way when Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Our beliefs and our faith will see us through the trying times.
It is important for us to remember that God is in control and our lives are in his hands.
We may not understand the reasons for our problems but if we remain faithful in spite of the negatives, God can help us see what else He has in store for us.
During the week after my return home from rehab, I received a call asking me to speak in Lancaster, S.C., which is about 88 miles from here.
There will be some folks who think I should not go because of my health problems but I made plans to go and it is in God’s hands as to whether it will happen or not.
This may be only one of many more opportunities that I will be given to share with others about my relationship with the Lord and how He is always with me.
Linda Beck is a local writer.