Revisiting limit raises, there’s simply more to be said

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 26, 2013

Several weeks ago we discussed limit raises. There is a more to that convention that needs to be stated.
If partner bids a major suit, you have 10-11 points and 4 in his suit, you plan to give a limit raise by saying 3 in his suit, but then the opponents throw in an intervening bid, how do you handle this?
You repeat the opponent’s bid one level higher. Now partner knows you have a limit raise and he can choose to say 3 of his suit or 4, if he has the points and hand shape. You have kept the level of contract you want. No harm, no foul.
Friday’s Evergreen winners were: First, Harold and Carol Winecoff; second, Pat Featherston/Dick Brisbin; third, Chuck and Margaret Rimer; fourth, John and Myrnie McLaughlin.
This was Board #18 at Friday’s game. All N/S pairs made 5 Spades while all E/W pairs made 5 Hearts. The N/S pairs who let E/W have the bid didn’t fare as well. Having the higher ranking suit was very important in this hand, but, N/S’s vulnerability could have had a chilling effect. East, dealer.


S A 9 8 7 4 3

H  5

D  7 5
C   K Q J T

 West   East

S   Q 6 S  T
H  K 9 7 4 H A Q T 8 6 2

D  A K Q 4 2 D  J T 9 3
C  8 3 C  9 2


S   K J 5 2
H   J 3

D   8 6

C   A 7 6 5 4

Tuesday’s winners were: First, Harold and Carol Winecoff; second, Gloria Bryant and Judy Hurder.