Superior Court Jan. 17, administrative

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Superior Court Jan. 17, administrative
Disposition of cases heard Jan. 17, 2012, in Rowan Superior Administrative Court by Judge Anna Mills Wagoner:
Abbreviation key:
CAAF – Court-appointed attorney fee
VD – Dismissal without leave by district attorney
Felony possession of firearm by felon – Eric Luis Galarza, also misdemeanor possession of up to 1/2 ounce of marijuana and misdemeanor carrying concealed gun, 15-18 months, jail credit civil judgment to be entered for $480 CAAF, weapon to be destroyed.
Felony second-degree kidnapping – Karen Lynn Staton, also felony obtaining property by false pretense and two charges felony exploiting disabled/elderly, 38-55 months, jail credit, civil judgment to be entered for CAAF, also two charges felony habitual felon, VD in both cases; Stacy D. Adkins, also two charges misdemeanor domestic violence protective order violation, 26-41 months, jail credit, work release recommended if eligible, any earning to go toward child support, civil judgment to be entered for CAAF.
Misdemeanor sexual battery – Adam Reid Mann, 60 days, suspended, 24 months supervised probation, pay court cost, have no contact with victim by email, Facebook, telephone or any electronic means, complete sex offender evaluation and treatment, be gainfully employed, live in residence approved by probation officer and not move without permission, abide by sex offender control program, obtain substance abuse assessment, not use, possess or control any illegal controlled substance, submit to warrantless searches, register as a sex offender, probation to be transferred to Mecklenburg County, also felony disseminating obscene material to minor, 45 days at expiration of first sentence, suspended, 24 months supervised probation, abide by same terms and conditions in first judgment, also felony indecent liberties with child, VD.