Ann Farabee: There was an eyewitness

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 6, 2024

By Ann Farabee

How do we know when someone was born? There would have been an eyewitness.

The eyewitness may have signed the birth certificate.

Having an eyewitness is definitely a plus.

Events and words written in the Bible had an eyewitness, too.

God exists. He knows all things, and His Word is true.

Hebrews 6:18 tells us that God cannot lie. The Word of God is undeniable.

God created man in His image, and He judged man for his rebellion through the flood. God scattered mankind during Babel.

The Biblical timeline continued…

It was recorded that Jesus said, “Have you not read?” or “It has been written…”

Others were also recorded as they shared their stories and testimonies of hearing or seeing Jesus, “Have you not heard?” or “Have you not seen?”

Jesus asked those gathering around him, “Have you not read?” Or, “Have you not heard?”

Yes, Jesus, I have.

I have read, I have heard and I have seen. I have also felt it.

I am an eyewitness.

I was there when you saved me, forgave me, healed me and comforted me.

I have been an eyewitness to your existence and enduring love — my entire life.

What is really mind-boggling is that You, my Father, Who art in heaven, Holy is Your Name, has also been there for every other person that ever existed or ever will exist for generations to come.

You love us all and You died for us all.

You provided a way for us all to forever be with You.

As an eyewitness of Your great love, I would be foolish not to tell others about You.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have everlasting life.

We are the “whosoever” that is spoken of in that verse from John 3:16.

A — Accept Jesus into our heart.

B — Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that we could have victory over sin and death.

C — Confess Jesus as our Savior and know that we will live forever in our heavenly home that Jesus is preparing for us.

I was an eyewitness to the greatest choice one could ever make, as I experienced salvation for myself. That moment was recorded in heaven over 50 years ago — and one day Jesus will nestle me in His arms, hold me with His nail-scarred hands and will personally welcome me home. I will be an eyewitness to that, too!

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