Doug Creamer: Chasing storms

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 6, 2024

By Doug Creamer

We drove to see my mother-in-law a few days back. As we embarked on our drive, I saw that her area had a severe thunderstorm watch out. I was monitoring things closely and determined that we would probably chase the storms in. The skies looked ominous at several points, but all we got was some light rain. As evening approached, I watched as the lightning danced across the sky up ahead. As predicted, we followed the storms as they pushed their way ahead of us.

I have often wondered what it would be like to be a storm chaser. I am a weather fanatic and am definitely intrigued by all kinds of storms. I saw in the news that the recent hurricane went through the Leeward Islands with winds at about 150 miles an hour. I lived through Hugo many years ago and we experienced winds of about 90 miles an hour…that was plenty for me.

Most storm chasers go after tornadoes. I have to admit that I would like to see one someday, but I want it to be way over there, not coming over here! I have watched in fascination many videos of tornadoes and they look incredible. Again, the desire to see one is tempered with safety.

This line of storms that pushed through where my mother-in-law lives offered us several days of unbelievable summer weather. The highs were about 80, with low humidity and an incredible breeze. I know we won’t see weather like that again until fall. I enjoyed as much time as possible outside, letting the cooling air refresh me.

Speaking of refreshment, I could really use some refreshing. I can’t point to any particular thing that is dragging me down. Life seems to always be busy, especially when we are in gardening season. There is always more to do than there is time to accomplish everything. The daily demands haven’t been overwhelming, but they do tend to keep my plate full.

So where does this desire to be refreshed originate? There have been some extra things going on in our lives that have challenged us to trust God. I tell people it’s important to trust God, but how do I do with that when the chips are down? Turns out it’s a mix. For some things, I have learned to depend on God and have many testimonies of His faithfulness. For other areas I have had to engage my faith. My pastor tells us we have to stir up and engage our faith when we are walking through challenges.

He is right, spiritual growth requires challenge. God wants my faith to grow stronger, so He allows for increasingly more challenging things to come into my life. Why would He do that, particularly when He could protect me or prevent those challenges? The answer is God wants to grow my faith. He wants me to trust Him more.

Some of the storms have passed and He has proven Himself to be faithful. Others are still on the horizon. I see the lightning flashing and know we have to go through them. No skirting them. No getting around them. He wants us to walk through them…holding onto His hand.

This has me in an interesting place. I am hungry to be in His presence. I find myself chasing after Him with every spare moment. I want to be in His presence where I know I can draw the strength I need to make it through the challenges I am facing. I know we are going to make it through. I know He already sees us through to the other side. It is my job, our job, to trust Him and lean on Him as He guides us through to the other side. He has never let us down before and He won’t start now.

I am not sure what things you are facing, but I bet you are facing some storms of your own. Let me encourage you to put your trust in Him. It’s a test and He has given you the answer guide. The answers are to pray, engage your faith and trust Him. I know it is challenging, but God is in the faith-building business. He wants to get a testimony out of your situation. He wants you to be able to tell others how He came through for you. So run after Him, chase Him, find in Him the strength you need in your situation. He is with you. He will strengthen and refresh you. Don’t let those storms scare you. Your God is way bigger than any of them.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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