Doug Creamer: How to choose

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 31, 2024

By Doug Creamer

Do you find making decisions difficult? Some people are able to make decisions quickly and easily, while others struggle. Some decisions are easy, like deciding what to drink. Give me a glass of sweet tea. It’s the South, tea should be sweet! Other decisions require much more effort and time.

Decisions are difficult because one decision can impact others. Some decisions might challenge our moral fiber or cause us to bend our values. How far will we compromise in order to move forward in life? Some work-related compromises might be as simple as having to rise earlier in the morning or stay later in the evening. Others decisions might require far greater.

Promotions are great, but at what cost? If you had to move to another state, would you take the promotion? If you are single, that decision might be easier than if you are married with children. What if the promotion required you to go from first shift to second shift, would you take it?

Deciding to buy a car is a big decision. Do you buy a new or used one? That sports car looks fun, but what will the insurance cost? One decision can impact another. Buying a house is another big decision. Which neighborhood is best? What schools will the children attend? How far is the house from work? What style house do you like?

Another part of good decision making is seeking out great advisors. Seeking professional advice might initially cost you some money but ultimately save you money in the long run. If you choose the wrong plumber, lawyer or doctor, you might not get the service you expect. The wrong plumber might be too expensive. The wrong lawyer may not make the right case for you. The wrong doctor could negatively impact your health. So how do you make the right choice?

It all begins with prayer. You might argue that God is way too busy to help with my little decisions, but you would be wrong. God cares about every little detail of your life. The Bible teaches us that God knows every hair that is on your head, so that means He cares about all your decisions, even the little ones.

When you pray, ask God for wisdom and guidance as you approach the decision. I believe the most important part is to be willing to hear any choice God might have for you. Most people approach God and tell Him what they decided and ask Him to bless it. What if your decision is not His best plan for your life? How can He bless what He knows will turn out badly for you?

This step requires faith. God might open a door for you that doesn’t look like a huge blessing or a great opportunity, but in the end might be far greater than you could ever have imagined. God sees things you don’t. He might be planning for this decision to be a stepping stone, testing your obedience, before He blesses you.

I believe that seeking spiritual guidance from your pastor or other trusted spiritual leaders in your life is vital to good decision making. Spiritual leaders want the best for you and can seek God on your behalf and get a sense which direction you should go or avoid. God can use spiritual leaders to provide biblical guidance and a deeper sense of inner peace.

Ultimately we have to believe that God is in control and that He wants and will provide what is best for our lives. We also have to understand that God is going to lead us down a path, not a superhighway. Paths create challenges for us. Paths cause us to seek and cry out to God for help. Paths require us to be in God’s Word so we can find our way. Paths will make us build a deeper relationship with God where we will see and experience Him as our Heavenly Father.

I want to encourage you to bring every decision before God and seek His guidance in your life. I understand that daily routine decisions don’t require us to seek God but we have to understand that God wants to be invited into our daily routines just as much as life’s bigger decisions. He has made great plans for our lives and has hidden treasures along the path for us. We have to slow down, seek His face, listen, and be willing to wait on Him if we want to make good choices. His wisdom and love will guide us if we seek and invite His direction.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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