Letters to the editor — Sept. 12

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 12, 2024

Politicians failed us in Afghanistan

What failure looks like: On Oct. 19, 2001, shortly after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, America launched its first direct action assault against the terrorists. The first target, Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban which gave comfort, aid and money to Al Qaeda. He wasn’t killed or captured but fled and would die over a decade later of natural causes. He lived right beside an American base the whole time. 

Now fast forward 20 years…yes, 20 years. We literally handed the country back over to the Taliban, giving them an estimated $6 billion in U.S. military equipment. You could say that’s what failure looks like. Here is what it really looks like — while we have Americans that can’t make ends meet, can’t feed their kids or can’t afford a decent home, we give the Taliban $160 million a month. Yes, you read that correctly. Think about how much money that’s been extorted from our country since the summer of ’21.

The current administration, Resident Joe Biden and Kommi Harris, have shown us clearly that they are failures. I have contacted Congressman Dan Bishop and Senator Ted Budd and have asked for a response to this issue. I’ve received none.

— Chris Boardman,

Response to Kamala endorsement

This is in response to a recent letter asking everyone to vote for Kamala. Does anyone think that 60 years of policies and legislation can change? She voted for the New Green Deal Using Social Security trust fund money, open borders, ban fracking, get rid of ICE, defund police, change supreme court and get rid of the filibuster. A vote for Kamala will be more of the Biden-Harris agenda.

— Loretta Ennis,