Letter to the editor — Sept. 26

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 26, 2024

You pick the leader

Once upon a time ago, I entered a well-known college-level institution charged for teaching “leadership” to young men (and today, also young women). So, my four years of subject study and graduation from there could not, but saw me and other graduates have an idea of leaders.

This year, we must pick America’s leader for the next four years which is full of programs requiring the best leader: inflation, border invasion, possible World III and ban of gasoline cars, among others. These are but a group of huge, heady topics.

I lived in northern New Jersey for many years when a younger Trump was seen as a person who tackled many city and state problems that many others failed the people of New York and here came Donald Trump. He solved many projects and completed them well and way ahead of time. Later, as president, again he was a solver of several programs.

I have watched Ms. Harris of “Biden and Harris” and I cannot see anything but “messes”; my food and gasoline have taken dollars out of my pockets that were not done when Mr. Trump was president. And I now have several million migrant folks who have invaded my country and want us tax payers to foot their bills.

Mr. Trump previously had many inflation blockers, such as lower gasoline when he was president. Think how today’s higher cost (at least $1/gallon) has made everything cost more (think how much higher gasoline costs by companies and drivers must pass that to you and me in goods). Mr. Trump is a solver and he is what we deserve.

Late August 2024 at a Pennsylvania rally, Mr. Trump told the crowd “You need to vote for me and America even if you don’t like me!”

I am with Trump, the problem solver!

— Tyrus Cobb Jr.