My Turn: Kyna Foster: Rowan Helping Ministries exciting expansion into supporting living

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 29, 2024

By Kyna S. Foster

At Rowan Helping Ministries, there are moments that bring us face-to-face with the reality of how close we all are to hardship. Sometimes it’s a neighbor, a former classmate or even a

student we once taught — people we’ve known and cared about — who now find themselves without a home or in the midst of crisis, seeking our help. It is in these moments that we are reminded of just how connected we are, and how quickly life’s circumstances can change for any one of us.

Homelessness is not just the result of one misstep or misfortune. It is a complex web of skyrocketing housing costs, addiction, mental illness, the lingering effects of the pandemic and other factors. These struggles are more than any one person — or traditional solutions — can handle alone. But in Rowan County, we have a rich tradition of coming together in the face of adversity. We lift each other up when we fall, and it’s this deep well of compassion that has always been at the core of who we are and what we do.

With the generous support of Rowan County United Way and other partners, we are about to embark on something truly transformative for our community — the First Horizon Permanent Supportive Housing neighborhood. This project will add 10 units of much-needed permanent supportive housing to our campus, providing hope, stability and a path forward for those who need it most. The road to rebuilding a life is often long and difficult, filled with challenges and setbacks. But it is also a journey made possible by the support of our compassionate community, walking alongside each person every step of the way.

Thanks to the partnership of Rowan County United Way, we are creating a place where people can rediscover their strength, rebuild their independence and rejoin the community as active, thriving members. Homelessness is not an unsolvable problem. With creativity, collaboration and a commitment to the dignity of every human being, we can make Rowan County a place where no one is left without a home, and where each of our neighbors has the opportunity to thrive.

As we look to the future with hope, our hearts are full of gratitude for the leadership and generosity of Rowan County United Way. We invite each of you to join us in supporting this year’s United Way campaign. Together, we can lift up our neighbors and strengthen the fabric of our community.

Kyna S. Grubb is executive director of Rowan Helping Ministries.