Renee C. Scheidt: Politicians and morals

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 6, 2024

By Renee C. Scheidt

A recent response to my article, “Policies, Not Personalities” proposed that morals and ethics determine behavior. Therefore, the writer said he could not vote for Trump. Digging deeper into this line of thinking might make him wonder if Kamala has more morals than Trump.

I agree that morals and ethics should determine behavior. But we’re dealing with politicians, a specific group not always known for their decency and honor. I doubt any president had more integrity than Jimmy Carter, yet he is considered one of the worst presidents to hold office. Certainly, Bill and Hillary are infamous for their unethical choices. Warren Harding had a mistress and fathered her child. FDR and his secretary played in the sheets and JFK was quite the lady’s man. The difference between them and Trump is the media refused to report most of these facts, and there was no internet to tell “the rest of the story.”

The media has been flagrantly silent on the fact that at age 29, Kamala was openly the mistress of San Francisco mayor, and later, Speaker of the CA General Assembly Willie Brown, 31 years her senior. Among other things, he appointed her to salary-boosting, cushy jobs, took her on trips to Paris and bought her a BMW. Known as the Democratic Party Kingmaker in California, he states, “I influenced her career.” l wonder what Mrs. Willie Brown would say about Kamala’s morals. Did Kamala’s conscience ever bother her that she made no secret of committing adultery with a married man with four children?

In 2014, Kamala married Doug Emhoff. Previously married to Kerstin Emhoff for over 15 years, Kerstin divorced him when she discovered Doug had an adulterous affair with their nanny which produced a child. Other than saying they “did not keep the baby,” no information is given as to what happened to this child. Would Kamala’s husband be deemed a man of morals? Did he feel any responsibility towards the child, or was he, as Dr. Laura calls it, just a “sperm donor?”

Kamala has played up the notion that she was raised in a middle-class home. Actually, it was much above middle class. Her father, who immigrated from Jamaica, became a Stanford professor and was called “a renowned Marxist economist” by The New Yorker. Her mother came from India to study at Berkeley where she met and married Kamala’s father. She became a distinguished scientist after receiving her PhD. How much influence did her Marxist father have on Kamala’s ideologies? How can parents working in such well-paying positions be considered “middle class?” Could this be a ruse to appeal to ordinary folks? Is this the same line of thinking she used to claim she worked at McDonald’s, for which there is no evidence?

How moral is it to legalize prostitution, which Kamala says she will do for “sex workers?” How ethical is it to allow abortions up to the moment of birth? She claimed in the debate this does not exist in the U.S. Did she not know D.C. and six states allow unrestricted abortions.? Was she ignorant or flat-out lying since her VP pick, Tim Waltz, led Minnesota to make abortions available at any time?

How moral is it to allow children with gender confusion to change genders without parental consent? Will she make the California law, which removes the child from the home if parents oppose the child’s wishes to transition, the law of the land? How right or fair is it to make taxpayers, who keep the law, pay for sex change operations for lawbreaking immigrants and convicts?

Is it moral to make people who never owned slaves pay reparations to those who have never been slaves? What kind of ethics does a person have who gives money to free BLM rioters from jail, with no consequences for the millions of dollars in damage they caused, and encourages them not to stop rioting? 

When facts are presented (all documented), there’s no room for throwing stones at Trump. Both candidates are flawed. Their records show, however, that Trump’s policies worked. Kamala’s didn’t. That’s why I’m voting for policies, not personalities. I’m voting Republican.

Renee C. Scheidt lives in Salisbury.